
Dfiance Fan Wiki

The True Face of Loyalty

"*coins clinging*"

Move up to 2 enemy Units or Heroes.

The True Face of Loyalty - Celestial Spell card

Card Details

Rarity: Epic
Celestial Celestial
Spell Spell
Deploy cost: 3


Level 1

The True Face of Loyalty

Steal an enemy of up to 5 ATK. Your opponent gains Tactical Points equal to its ATK and draws a card.

Level 2

The True Face of Loyalty

Steal an enemy of up to 6 ATK. Your opponent gains Tactical Points equal to its ATK and draws a card.

Level 3

The True Face of Loyalty

Steal an enemy of up to 8 ATK. Your opponent gains Tactical Points equal to its ATK and draws a card.

Level 4

The True Face of Loyalty

Steal an enemy of up to 10 ATK. Your opponent gains Tactical Points equal to its ATK and draws a card.

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Made with ❤️ by Shackles & Ruby
Unofficial fan project with the kind support of the Dfiance team. All assets and images are their intellectual property.