Smoldering Hoofs
"*Wood shreeking - Low pitched dark moohrrg*"
A beast that does not become weary, tirelessly ready for battle. Equipped with a powerful ballista and able to ram through anything

Card Details
Rarity: Basic



Deploy cost: 3
Attack Force
- Level 1 2
- Level 2 3
- Level 3 3
- Level 4 4
Level 1
Power Reap
On Deploy: Deal 6 damage to the the single strongest ally (including self) and foe on this and opposite rows. Random, if tie.
Level 2
Power Reap
On Deploy: Deal 8 damage to the the single strongest ally (including self) and foe on this and opposite rows. Random, if tie.
Level 3
Power Reap
On Deploy: Deal 10 damage to the the single strongest ally (including self) and foe on this and opposite rows. Random, if tie.
Level 4
Power Reap
On Deploy: Deal 12 damage to the the single strongest ally (including self) and foe on this and opposite rows. Random, if tie.